78 pages 2 hours read

Jennifer Chambliss Bertman

Book Scavenger

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2014

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Books are the single most prominent motif in the novel, beginning with the title: Book Scavenger. The novel focuses on books as physical objects as much as sources of learning.

The entire scavenger game rests on the principle of finding books as physical objects hidden in unusual locations. Many books are disguised as something else or hidden within other objects. For example, Emily hides one book inside a fountain and another disguised as a loaf of bread. The physicality of books becomes even more important in the Poe game. Griswold’s handmade edition of “The Gold-Bug” contains something more than verbal clues. Secret messages are written in invisible ink that only can be seen when heated. The golden beetle that ornaments the book’s cover also points to a location on a map, just as the gold-bug in Poe’s story needs to be dropped from a specific location to reveal hidden treasure.

Remora’s obsession with books is largely dependent on his need to possess them physically. He is a collector, so books are rare objects that are meant to be displayed rather than read. At one point, he mentions his anger when Griswold used a first edition of a Hammett book as a coaster.