49 pages 1 hour read

Mariko Tamaki

Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me

Fiction | Graphic Novel/Book | YA | Published in 2019

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Breaking Toxic Relationship Cycles

Content Warning: The source text and this guide describe psychological manipulation and a sexual relationship between an adult man and a minor.

In Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me, the protagonist, Freddy, embarks on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth as she learns to break free from the toxic cycle of her on-again, off-again relationship with Laura Dean. Ultimately, Freddy realizes the importance of prioritizing her own well-being and the value of healthy friendships.

The graphic novel explicitly refers to Freddy’s relationship with Laura Dean as a cycle, using the metaphor of square dancing to symbolize the repetitive and unhealthy nature of their dynamic. The Seek-Her, a mysterious fortune-teller figure, advises Freddy that she is stuck in a “non-monogamous swing-your-partner wormhole” and tells her that she must break free from this cycle (70). Moreover, the book begins and ends with a dance, with each dance showcasing Freddy in a very different situation in terms of her relationships and self-awareness. In the opening scene, Freddy is caught in the throes of her tumultuous relationship with Laura, while in the final dance, she celebrates her newfound independence and strengthened friendships, having successfully broken free from the toxic cycle.