44 pages 1 hour read

John Lewis, Andrew Aydin

March: Books 2 & 3

Nonfiction | Graphic Memoir | YA | Published in 2016

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Key Figures

John Lewis

Known as the “conscience of Congress,” John Lewis was a civil rights activist and Congressman who served as the representative of Georgia’s 5th district (which includes most of Atlanta) from 1987 until his death in 2020. Born to Alabama sharecroppers in 1940, he grew up dreaming of being a preacher, but as an adolescent he also followed the burgeoning struggle for civil rights, meeting both Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King Jr. as a teenager. He met with King to discuss suing Troy University in Alabama for denying him entry on the basis of race, but he instead chose to attend the historically black American Baptist Theological Seminary (now American Baptist College) in Nashville, Tennessee. Once there, he joined the student movement seeking to desegregate downtown lunch counters, echoing the famous “sit-in” campaign months earlier in Greensboro, North Carolina. Lewis’s efforts with the Nashville student movement led to his cofounding the SNCC, an umbrella of student movements challenging segregation throughout the Jim Crow South.

With the SNCC, Lewis participated in nearly every major civil rights campaign of the early 1960s, beginning as one of the original “Freedom Riders” traveling through the Deep South to challenge segregation on buses and bus terminals. After being elected chairman of the SNCC in 1963, he became one of the “Big Six,” the six main leaders of civil rights organizations responsible for the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. His most significant moment as a civil rights leader came in June 1965, when he led the first attempt to march in Alabama from Selma to Montgomery, suffering a brutal attack from police on the Edmund Pettus Bridge that would go down in history as “Bloody Sunday.” Arrested 40 times, he famously called for getting into “good trouble, necessary trouble,” and following his election to Congress, he continued a tradition of protest, including a demonstration outside the embassy of apartheid-era South Africa and a sit-in on the floor of the House of Representatives in 2016. In 2011, President Obama awarded him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest award for a civilian, and he died of pancreatic cancer in 2020 while voicing support for the protests following the murder of George Floyd.

Martin Luther King Jr.

One of the most important Americans of the 20th century, King was the preeminent figure of the civil rights movement from the mid-1950s to his assassination in April 1968. His soaring rhetoric, organizational skills, wide-ranging intellect, and personal courage placed the struggle for Black equality at the center of American politics. Born Michael King Jr. in 1929, his father was the preacher at the Ebenezer Baptist Church, a prominent Black church in Atlanta. In 1934, his father attended a Baptist conference in Berlin, Germany, that denounced all forms of racial discrimination. Coming just one year after the Nazi Party took power, this courageous move reminded the elder King of an earlier German, Martin Luther, and his protest against a corrupt and oppressive Catholic Church. Upon returning to the United States, he had his name and the name of his eldest son changed to Martin Luther King.

The younger King sought to follow in his father’s footsteps, ultimately earning a PhD in theology at Boston University. He received his first pastorship at the Dexter Avenue Baptist Church in Montgomery, Alabama, just as Rosa Parks and other activists had placed Montgomery at the center of the struggle against segregation. King helped organize the yearlong boycott of Montgomery’s bus system, thrusting him into the national spotlight. He then became the founding president of the SCLC, which sought to coordinate the participation of Black churches in the civil rights movement. For the next 11 years, he was the principal theorist and practitioner of nonviolent resistance in the United States, sponsoring direct actions such as the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (where he gave his legendary “I Have a Dream” speech) while also working with political leaders to pass legislation such as the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act.

Always controversial, King drew widespread condemnation for his critique of the Vietnam War in 1967. He insisted that President Johnson’s attempts to fight the war while also fighting a “War on Poverty” were mutually exclusive, and he began a “Poor People’s Campaign” to shift focus toward economic justice and away from militarism. As part of this campaign, he traveled to Memphis, Tennessee to support a strike by sanitation workers, when James Earl Ray shot and killed him at the Lorraine Motel. He has become one of the most revered Americans of all time, with his birthday now serving as a national holiday, and a statue of King joining the National Mall in Washington, DC, in 2011.

Malcolm X

Though Malcolm X is perhaps the best-known figure of the civil rights era besides Martin Luther King Jr., conventional wisdom often holds the two men to be opposites, even rivals. Much of Malcolm’s life and career were in fact strikingly different from King’s. Born Malcolm Little in 1925, his father was murdered by a white mob when he was still a boy, and his mother battled with severe mental illness. He drifted into a life of petty crime, and in prison he encountered the writings of Elijah Muhammad (born Elijah Poole in 1897), who taught that white people would never accept Black people on an equal standing, so they would have to carve out a nation for themselves within what they called the “American wilderness.” After leaving prison, Malcolm adopted the last name “X” to signify his unknown African name lost to the legacy of slavery, and he became the Nation of Islam’s ablest and best-known spokesmen. While his rhetoric was much more confrontational than King’s and even skirted toward justifications of violence—such as his famous speech at the Founding Rally of the Organization of Afro-American Unity, which called for “freedom by any means necessary”—the two men’s differences were not as stark as is often portrayed. Both King and Malcolm recognized the value of the other, King as a valuable interlocutor with the white establishment and Malcolm as the logical alternative following a failure to provide Black Americans with their basic rights.

By 1964, Malcolm was at the height of his fame and influence, as he helped to secure the conversion of heavyweight boxing champion Cassius Clay to the Nation of Islam, whereupon he took the name Muhammad Ali. Around this same time, Malcolm began to question his role in the Nation after learning that Elijah Muhammad had fathered children with several assistants. After formally breaking with the Nation, he sought to build ties between the Black struggle for equality in America with revolutionary movements against colonialism, especially those in Africa. He also attended the hajj, the Muslim pilgrimage to Mecca, which led him to revise his views about the impossibility of different races working together. He was just beginning his work with the Organization for Afro-American Unity (OAAU) when he was assassinated at the Audubon Ballroom in Harlem in February 1965. Members of the Nation were convicted in his murder, although there continues to be enormous controversy surrounding his assassination, and two of those convicted recently had their sentences overturned (one posthumously). Though Malcolm was once a figure of dread in white America, the decades since his death have featured a reassessment of his life and legacy, and he is now widely recognized as a major figure of Black pride and self-reliance.