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Fiction | Play | Adult

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Reading Check, Multiple Choice & Short Answer Quizzes

Reading Check questions are designed for in-class review on key plot points or for quick verbal or written assessments. Multiple Choice and Short Answer Quizzes create ideal summative assessments, and collectively function to convey a sense of the work’s tone and themes.

Lines 1-287

Reading Check

1. Where is Medea from?

2. Where does Medea live?

3. What difficult experience does Medea challenge any man with “soldier fantasies” to deal with?

Multiple Choice

1. What is the role of Medea’s Nurse in this first section?

A) She cares for an ailing Medea who has fallen ill from heartbreak.

B) She introduces what is happening since the play begins amidst action already in progress.

C) She is the messenger who delivers the news that Jason is leaving Medea.

D) She is the one who cares for Medea’s children since their father has been killed.

2. Why does Jason allow Creon to exile Medea, despite the fact that she and Jason have children together?

A) Jason is no longer honor bound to Medea.

B) Jason wants Medea to leave him and his new wife alone.

C) Jason plans to run away with Medea to Athens.

D) Jason is unsure of Medea’s love for him.

3. Why does the Chorus eventually come to support Medea’s plans for revenge?

A) They hope that she will be killed in the process, since death is better than shame.