62 pages 2 hours read

Chris Grabenstein

Mr. Lemoncello's Library Olympics

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2016

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Character Analysis

Kyle Keeley

Kyle Keeley is an eighth grader in Alexandriaville, Ohio and is the protagonist of the novel. He enjoys being the class clown, entertaining others, and the fun of video games, board games, and puzzles. He considers Luigi Lemoncello his hero and identifies with Lemoncello’s wacky sense of humor and love of games. Kyle is not much of a reader and not an especially great student—he is, rather, a representative of the kind of reluctant reader Grabenstein hopes will enjoy his book and an example of why The Joy of Intellectual Challenges applies to everyone. Despite not being an academic standout, Kyle is clever at solving puzzles and is respected by his teammates and other children for his abilities. He is a natural leader, and although he can struggle with self-confidence and his need to be seen as a “champion,” he is an ethical and compassionate person willing to sacrifice and work hard for causes he sees as just.

Kyle is a dynamic character who grows significantly during the story. When the novel begins, he is basking in the glow of being a “champion” and starring in national television commercials. He enjoys being recognized and admired, and when Lemoncello announces the Library Olympics, his main concern is being embarrassed by losing in front of a large

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