82 pages 2 hours read

John Boyne

The Boy at The Top of the Mountain

Fiction | Novel | Middle Grade | Published in 2015

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Chapters 5-7Chapter Summaries & Analyses

Chapter 5 Summary: “The House at the Top of the Mountain”

Pierrot arrives at Berghof, a mansion where Beatrix works as a housekeeper. He knows nothing about the location at first, but in Chapter 7, he meets the mansion’s owner, Adolf Hitler, also known as the Führer. The morning of his arrival, a servant named Herta Theissen orders him to take a bath, only begrudgingly allowing him to do it by himself; Pierrot feels she’s treating him like a small child. Even the clothing she gives him to wear is too big, making him feel small. His own clothes have been burned; Herta insists that they “were filthy and most likely crawling with undesirables” (77). She tells him that Beatrix has left for town. From his interaction with Herta, Pierrot immediately gets the sense that life at Berghof is strict, and the master is to be feared, although he is rarely present.

After washing up and putting on the hand-me-down clothing, the servants leave Pierrot to his own devices. He wanders around Berghof. It is a large building at the top of a mountain, isolated and surrounded by wilderness, but not too far from the village of Berchtesgaden. Despite its size, there are few people at the site. Pierrot finds some soldiers on guard and attempts to distract them, to no avail. The beauty of the mountains and the tranquility of nature outside captivate him. Pierrot sees Ernst, the master’s chauffeur, drive up to Berghof with Beatrix. 

Chapter 6 Summary: “A Little Less French, a Little More German”

Beatrix talks with Pierrot about expectations at Berghof. Without going into details about who Hitler is or what his beliefs are, she advises her nephew that it would be “safer” to wear very traditional German clothing, such as lederhosen (88). She and Ernst take him to town to go shopping. Along the way, Ernst and Beatrix chat. Pierrot can tell by the way the two flirt that they like each other, and he also picks up on clues that they do not agree with Hitler’s worldview.

Pierrot tells them about life in France, especially about Anshel. Beatrix urges Pierrot not to talk about Paris or being French. She advises that he consider himself German, going so far as to insist he change his name to Pieter, a Germanized version of Pierrot. While he resists her ideas, Beatrix asks her nephew to trust her. Ernst echoes Beatrix’s advice, recommending he not speak about Anshel.

Ernst plans to go to a meeting while Pierrot and Beatrix shop. In the clothing shops, Pierrot again feels babied as his companions force him to try things on. While he and Beatrix take a break to eat, he asks about his father and why she never came to visit. She explains that Wilhelm’s experiences in the war scarred him mentally and emotionally, and he was never the same afterwards. She describes how he was angry all the time and bitterly resented Germany having lost the First World War. Afterwards, they head back to Ernst, with Beatrix insisting, “her tone growing a little angry” (106), that there had been no meeting, and Ernst had been waiting at the car the entire time. 

Chapter 7 Summary: “The Sound That Nightmares Made”

Weeks later, word spreads that Hitler is returning to Berghof. The servants, clearly terrified of him, are in a panic to clean the mansion and get everything in order. Pierrot has received a letter from Anshel, but Beatrix tells him to write back, telling his friend never to send another letter. She explains that if Hitler found out that a Jewish boy was writing to him, there would be serious consequences. Nevertheless, he thinks longingly of Paris.

Feeling useless in the flurry of activity going on around him, Pierrot seeks something to do. The cook, Emma, says he can help her. Out in the yard, she tells Pierrot to select two chickens. She grabs them by the legs, takes them around the house, and chops the first one’s head off. Pierrot is horrified, and he stumbles as the second chicken escapes. Watching Emma recapture and decapitate it, he again feels overwhelmed.

In his room afterwards, Pierrot tries to process what happened by writing a letter to Anshel. Thinking about the chickens, he rationalizes that “someone has to kill them,” but realizes “he didn’t like the idea of cruelty. From as far back as he could recall, he had hated any sort of violence” (119). His thoughts turn to Anshel, and he is moved by his friend’s description of life in Paris, which has become dangerous to Jews who face blatant discrimination and persecution. Not wanting to cut off communication with Anshel, yet also loathe to get in trouble by openly writing to a Jew, Pierrot proposes that they sign their letters using a secret code: he will use the sign of the dog, and Anshel will use the sign of the fox

Somewhat recovered, Pierrot wanders into the Berghof library and is unimpressed by the available books. He sees a large desk map and traces the line between Salzburg to Paris, again thinking about home. He is so lost in reverie that he is not aware at first that Hitler is standing behind him. Finally, he turns, and immediately snaps to attention, giving the Nazi salute and greeting, “Heil Hitler!” (122).

Chapters 5-7 Analysis

As Pierrot adjusts to life at Berghof, many of his concerns with identity continue. Chief among these is his feeling of inferiority. Upon arrival at the mansion, he has clothing to wear that is far too big for him, including a sweater “so oversized that when he put it on, it hung down below his knees” (83). The clothing literalizes the old nickname Pierrot had been branded with during his childhood in Paris, Le Petit. He is equally embarrassed to realize that someone had stripped him entirely naked during the night of his arrival and put him in a nightshirt. When Herta intends to bathe him herself, as though he were an infant, he manages to persuade her to let him clean himself, yet with “his voice cracking a little” as he speaks (81).

The bath he takes is an important symbol of his transition to Berghof. His French clothing already having been taken away and incinerated, he literally washes France off of him in the bath. The water turns “murky from all the dirt that had collected on his body,” as he enjoys lowering “his head under the surface, enjoying the way the sounds of the outside world disappeared” (82). When Beatrix takes him to get new clothing in the traditional German style, this further indicates his abrupt cultural shift. With new clothing, clean skin, and a different language (his father’s native tongue, German), Pierrot outwardly seems to have transformed.

Inwardly, however, he continues to struggle with loneliness. Initially, he finds the wilderness surrounding Berghof his only real comfort; he describes the mansion overall as “[a]n enormous, silent world captured in tranquility” (85). With such feelings, it is only natural that his thoughts wander back to Paris, his old home, and to Anshel. In his isolation, letters from Anshel would be his only insight into events of the outside world. The stern warnings Beatrix and Ernst give him to sever ties with Anshel and not mention him, however, create a great sense of confusion, exacerbating his struggles to belong to something stable. These chapters also plant subtle hints that Beatrix and Ernst are involved in resistance efforts to oppose the Nazis, such as the presumably secret meeting that Ernst attends while Pierrot and Beatrix shop for clothes. Later in the novel, this is confirmed when the two are revealed to be involved in a plot to poison Hitler.

One of Pierrot’s most radical transformations upon arrival at Berghof is the changing of his name to Pieter at Beatrix’s suggestion. Hiding his French roots, the existence of his best friend, and even his true name, Pierrot builds his identity at Berghof on a foundation of lies and fear. Beatrix assures him that “[i]n your heart you can still be Pierrot, of course. But at the top of the mountain, when other people are around—and particularly when the master and the mistress are around—you will be Pieter” (98). Her good intentions have unintended consequences, as Pierrot/Pieter later becomes all too comfortable in his role as a devotee of Hitler in the absence of any other foundational identity.

Nevertheless, as his aunt, Beatrix does represent some connection to Pierrot’s family and former life, however tenuous. Having taken him under her wing at risk to herself by asking Hitler to allow him to live at Berghof, Beatrix serves as Pierrot’s surrogate mother. Her comment about Pierrot’s father, “I think that his injuries, coupled with what he saw that night, did great damage to his mind. After the war, he was never the same” echoes Émilie’s insistence that the war killed Wilhelm by breaking his spirit, even if he did not actually die in battle (105).

Pierrot’s isolation and complete removal from the turmoil developing across Europe in the years leading up to World War II is ironic, given that he finds himself in the epicenter of Hitler’s world, his home at Berghof. The climactic scene of Chapter 7, however, makes clear that Hitler’s power that was wreaking havoc across Europe was equally present at Berghof. As soon as Pierrot sees Hitler, he responds with a quick, fearful, and forceful Nazi salute. At this point, Hitler’s name has not even appeared in the novel yet. Even if readers do not know the historical details the book mentions, the physical description of the Führer, coupled with Pierrot’s reflex to seeing him, make Hitler’s identity clear. While the entrance of Hitler into The Boy at the Top of the Mountain may be a surprise to readers, the drama of this scene emphasizes that the remainder of the book will be centered on him, and he has had a powerful effect on Pierrot even before the two have met.