67 pages • 2 hours read
Rick RiordanA modern alternative to SparkNotes and CliffsNotes, SuperSummary offers high-quality Study Guides with detailed chapter summaries and analysis of major themes, characters, and more.
This flexible-use quiz is designed for reading comprehension assessment and activity needs in classroom, home-schooling and other settings. Questions connect to the text’s plot, characters, and themes — and align with the content and chapter organization in the rest of this study guide. Use quizzes as pre-reading hooks, reading checks, discussion starters, entrance/exit “tickets,” small group activities, writing activities, and lessons on finding evidence and support in a text.
Depth of Knowledge Levels: Questions require respondents to demonstrate ability to:
1. Where does Percy’s class go for their field trip?
A) The Guggenheim
B) The Metropolitan Museum of Art
C) The Statue of Liberty
D) The Washington Monument
2. Which teacher does Percy think is cool?
A) Mrs. Dodds
B) Mrs. Kerr
C) Mr. Brunner
D) Mr. Yancy
3. What does Mr. Brunner give Percy to fight off Mrs. Dodds?
A) a pen that turns into a sword
B) a pencil that becomes a spear
C) a pen that is really a shield
D) an eraser that becomes a bow
4. Why does Percy go to Mr. Brunner’s office?
A) He is struggling in Latin because of his dyslexia.
B) He wants to know why only he remembers Mrs. Dodds.
C) He suspects that Mr. Brunner is hiding something from him.
D) He wants to appeal his expulsion.
5. What deadline does Percy overhear Grover mention to Mr. Brunner?
A) Labor Day
B) Fourth of July
C) July 1st
D) The Summer Solstice
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
6. How did the girl who dumped her lunch on Grover end up in the fountain?
7. What sound does Percy swear he could hear “across four lanes of traffic”?
8. Where is Percy’s dad?
A) at home with his mom
B) lost at sea
C) at work
D) Percy isn’t sure.
9. Why didn’t Percy’s mom send him to the camp his dad requested?
A) She tried to, but she forgot the name.
B) She doesn’t trust the teachers there.
C) She is afraid she’ll never see Percy again if she does.
D) She liked Yancy Academy better.
10. Why does Mount Olympus move?
A) It goes wherever people most believe in the Greek gods.
B) It changes its location to hide from the Titans.
C) It helps to distribute the gods’ power more equally.
D) It doesn’t move; the earth moves instead.
11. Why does Mr. D meet with Grover?
A) to discuss his responsibilities with the camp
B) to give him his next assignment
C) to go over what happened with Percy and his mom
D) to review how well he did protecting Percy
12. What word does Chiron use that makes Percy think his mother might still be alive after their encounter with the Minotaur?
A) “hope”
B) “chance”
C) “fate”
D) “destiny”
13. Who tries to dunk Percy’s head in the toilet only to be doused with water?
A) Luke
B) Annabeth
C) Grover
D) Clarisse
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
14. What kind of creature is Grover?
15. Which cabin is Luke Castellan the leader of, and why is Percy staying there?
16. How will Percy find out who his father is, according to Annabeth?
A) The Oracle will tell him.
B) Chiron will do some research and get back to him.
C) His father will claim him with a sign.
D) Mr. D will ask the gods.
17. Why do the campers toss a portion of their food into the fire at dinner each night?
A) They’re testing to see if it’s been poisoned by a monster.
B) They’re making an offering to the gods.
C) The food is terrible.
D) It’s a camp tradition.
18. What agreement did the Big Three make after World War II?
A) They swore they wouldn’t get involved in mortal affairs.
B) They swore they wouldn’t wage wars against one another.
C) They swore they wouldn’t send their children to Camp Half-Blood anymore.
D) They swore they wouldn’t have any more demigod children.
19. How did a hellhound get inside Camp Half-Blood?
A) Someone inside the camp summoned it.
B) Hades sent it.
C) It snuck in.
D) Chiron let it in.
20. What does Zeus accuse Percy of doing?
A) plotting to overthrow him so that Poseidon becomes king of the gods
B) stealing his lightning bolt
C) conspiring with the other children to destroy the gods
D) ruining the agreement between the Big Three
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
21. Why would it be dangerous for Percy to leave Camp Half-Blood?
22. Who is Percy’s father?
23. Where does Percy have to go to retrieve Zeus’ lightning bolt, and what is his deadline?
24. Who accompanies Percy on his quest?
A) Grover and Chiron
B) Annabeth and Luke
C) Annabeth and Grover
D) Clarisse and Grover
25. What does Chiron give Percy to aid him in his quest?
A) a map
B) Riptide
C) Cupid’s bow
D) the golden fleece
26. Why does Chiron warn Percy that using the shoes Luke gave him might be dangerous?
A) The sky is Zeus’ domain, so flying might be unsafe.
B) Apollo guards the skies and will be looking for Percy.
C) He will be safest in the water, where his father can watch over him.
D) He will be able to hide better on land.
27. Who is Aunty Em?
A) Hera
B) Artemis
C) Demeter
D) Medusa
28. Who does Percy think sent him his dream about an evil presence in a pit?
A) Hades
B) Luke
C) the minotaur
D) Ares
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
29. Why might Annabeth’s quest with Percy be her only chance to see the world?
30. Why is it important that Grover succeed in his and Percy’s quest?
31. How do Percy, Annabeth, and Grover pay for train tickets?
A) Chiron gave them money.
B) They sell Luke’s winged shoes, since Percy can’t use them.
C) They return a pink poodle to its owner.
D) They find it stashed at Medusa’s.
32. Why does Annabeth want to stop at the Gateway Arch in St. Louis?
A) She has always wanted to see it.
B) She wants to be an architect and design monuments just like it.
C) She thinks it’ll have a clue to their quest.
D) She will meet her mother there.
33. How does Percy save himself from the chimera?
A) He jumps off the Arch and lands in the Mississippi River with Poseidon’s help.
B) He kills it with Riptide.
C) He puts on the winged shoes and escapes.
D) He tricks it into falling into the Mississippi River, where Poseidon takes care of it.
34. For whom is the trap at the waterpark meant?
A) Percy
B) Grover
C) Ares and Aphrodite
D) Poseidon and Percy’s mother
35. What does Ares tell Percy about his mother?
A) Hades is holding her hostage.
B) She’s safe at home.
C) She’s at Camp Half-Blood.
D) She’s dead.
36. What ability does Percy discover while on the truck to Las Vegas?
A) He can see underwater.
B) He can summon water.
C) He can speak to fish.
D) He can speak to horses.
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
37. When IMing, Luke and Percy discuss how the lightning bolt could have been stolen from Zeus’ throne room. What detail does Luke mention that implicates Annabeth?
38. What do Percy, Annabeth, and Grover realize when they leave the Lotus Hotel?
39. What does the Nereid give Percy?
A) a ride to Los Angeles
B) three pearls
C) money
D) a shield
40. What do Annabeth, Percy, and Grover give Charon as payment to ferry them across the River Styx?
A) Percy’s sword
B) Grover’s flute
C) Annabeth’s hat
D) three drachmas
41. What monster do they meet in the Underworld?
A) Cerberus
B) The Hydra
C) Echidna
D) The Nemean Lion
42. What is Tartarus?
A) a secret door to Olympus
B) a prison for the Titans
C) an entrance to Hades’ throne room
D) a pen for monsters
43. What has been stolen from Hades?
A) his helm
B) his wife
C) his control of Olympus
D) his son
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
44. How does Percy escape the Underworld, and who does he leave behind?
45. Why is Los Angeles on fire?
46. What does Percy realize as he battles Ares?
A) Ares is being used by someone in the pit.
B) Ares hates him because he is Poseidon’s son.
C) Ares is working for Zeus, who wants everyone to think Percy is the lightning thief.
D) Ares won’t kill him.
47. What does Percy give to Hades?
A) the lightning bolt
B) his helm
C) the winged shoes
D) the remaining pearl
48. Where is Mount Olympus located?
A) on top of the Empire State building
B) on top of the Washington Monument
C) on top of the Gateway Arch
D) on top of the Brooklyn Bridge
49. Besides Zeus, who else does Percy meet on Mount Olympus?
A) Hera
B) Aphrodite
C) Hermes
D) Poseidon
For each of the following questions, write a one-sentence response based on details in the story.
50. Why did Ares take the lightning bolt?
51. What does Percy try to warn Zeus about?
52. Who poisons Percy and reveals that they are working for Kronos?
Chapters 1-2
1. B (Chapter 1)
2. C (Chapter 1)
3. A (Chapter 1)
4. A (Chapter 2)
5. D (Chapter 2)
6. The water attacked her, which is a foreshadowing of Percy’s demigod abilities. (Chapter 1)
7. The “snip” of the three old ladies’ scissors. (Chapter 2)
Chapters 3-6
8. B (Chapter 3)
9. C (Chapter 3)
10. A (Chapter 5)
11. D (Chapter 5)
12. C (Chapter 6)
13. D (Chapter 6)
14. He’s a satyr. (Chapter 4)
15. Luke is the cabin leader for Cabin 11 (which belongs to Hermes), and Percy stays there because that’s where newcomers and kids whose parentage is unknown stay. (Chapter 6)
Chapters 7-9
16. C (Chapter 7)
17. B (Chapter 7)
18. D (Chapter 8)
19. A (Chapter 9)
20. B (Chapter 9)
21. Depending on if his father is a powerful god, he might attract monsters wanting to attack him to get to his father in the real world.
22. Poseidon (Chapter 8)
23. The Underworld. He has until the summer solstice. (Chapter 9)
Chapters 10-12
24. C (Chapter 10)
25. B (Chapter 10)
26. A (Chapter 10)
27. D (Chapter 11)
28. A (Chapter 12)
29. She lives at Camp Half-Blood year-round, and she has never been given a quest of her own. (Chapter 11)
30. He nearly failed to bring Annabeth and Luke to Camp Half-Blood, and they lost the daughter of Zeus, Thalia, in the process. (Chapter 12)
Chapters 13-16
31. C (Chapter 12/13)
32. B (Chapter 13)
33. A (Chapter 13/14)
34. C (Chapter 15)
35. A (Chapter 16)
36. D (Chapter 16)
37. The thief would have had to be invisible, and Annabeth has a baseball cap that makes her invisible. (Chapter 14)
38. Five days have passed; they only have one more day to complete their quest. (Chapter 16)
Chapters 17-19
39. B (Chapter 17)
40. D (Chapter 18)
41. A (Chapter 18)
42. B (Chapter 19)
43. A (Chapter 19)
44. He, Annabeth, and Grover use the pearls from the Nereid, and Percy leaves his mother behind. (Chapter 19)
45. Hades was enraged, which caught the city alight. (Chapter 19)
Chapters 20-22
46. A (Chapter 20)
47. B (Chapter 20)
48. A (Chapter 21)
49. D (Chapter 21)
50. to start a war between the gods (Chapter 20)
51. Kronos is trying to escape Tartarus (Chapter 21)
52. Luke (Chapter 22)
By Rick Riordan
Daughter of the Deep
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Percy Jackson's Greek Gods
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The Battle of the Labyrinth
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The Blood of Olympus
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The Burning Maze
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The Chalice of the Gods
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The Dark Prophecy
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The Hammer of Thor
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The Hidden Oracle
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The House of Hades
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The Last Olympian
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The Lost Hero
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The Mark Of Athena
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The Maze of Bones
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The Red Pyramid
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The Sea of Monsters
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The Son of Neptune
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The Sun and the Star: A Nico di Angelo Adventure
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The Sword of Summer
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The Throne of Fire
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