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The River of No Return

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Plot Summary

The River of No Return

Bee Ridgway

Fiction | Novel | Adult | Published in 2013

Plot Summary

The River of No Return (2014) is Bee Ridgway’s debut novel. Blending the genres of science fiction/fantasy, historical fiction, and Regency romance, the book is about time travel and a love that spans centuries. When Lord Nicholas Falcott is saved from certain death in 1812, he wakes up stranded two hundred years later in London. Told he can never go home, Nick, nevertheless, yearns for the woman who fascinated him and the life he left behind. When time itself begins to fray, Nick and Julia must find their way back together.

The story begins by introducing readers to both main characters: Julia Percy, a young woman with a secret ability to manipulate time, and Nick Davenant (formerly Lord Nicholas Falcott), a Vermont cheese farmer/New York socialite. Nick supposedly died in 1812 but woke up in 2003. When he wakes up the first time, a member of the Guild (a cohort of accidental time travelers) tells him that he can never return to his time; moreover, he can no longer remain in his home country. Even more devastating to him is that his family line died out when he allegedly died in Spain. The first two rules are the same, but one applies to time and the other to space. Ten years later, he has entrenched himself in the twenty-first century, but he receives a mysterious summons from the Guild.

The narrative then jumps back to Nick’s early days in the twenty-first century. The Guild gives him a new identity and classes to help him acclimate to the new time, insisting on adhering to four simple rules: “There Is No Return. There Is No Return. Tell No One. Uphold the Rules.” He befriends Meg, an elderly Irishwoman, and Leo, a genius Native American. The other two are quick to question the Guild’s motives, wondering what’s going on, but Nick is happy to let things lie. Even so, there are clues that foreshadow trouble ahead, indicating that their suspicions might be right, especially when his two friends disappear overnight without a trace.

Nick answers the summons and is told that he is being promoted. His new handler, the Alderwoman of the Guild, Alice, stops time for an hour and then restarts it to prove that she is telling him higher level secrets about the Guild. They want to send him back to 1815 to kill someone who is an Ofan, a rogue time traveler and an enemy of the Guild. While they prepare him to return, Nick finds himself menaced by Mr. Mibbs, a mysterious and alarming man who appears to have mind-control abilities. Nick also learns that jumping back in time is possible, but extremely difficult. Nick wants out of the summons, but they refuse. Taking him to his old estate, they send him back with another Guild member, Arkady, the Alderwoman’s husband. Ostensibly, Arkady is there to help Nick find and kill the Ofan, but he also may have ulterior motives.

Nick returns to find that nothing is as it was—in his absence, they executed his will, and the economy bottomed out with a glut of corn. His sister Clare has plans to sell the estate, and his younger sister, Arabella, is in London for her first season. Meanwhile, Julia must contend with her odious cousin Eamon who inherits the estate and titles after her grandfather dies. Knowing about her grandfather’s ability to stop time, Eamon needles her into losing her temper and confirming his theory. He keeps her around, a captive in the house, to learn the secrets of time manipulation. He is convinced that a talisman is responsible for the time manipulation; Julia discovers when he pulls a knife on her that she can stop time as well. She comes across Nick while she is out riding and recognizes him. Unbeknownst to her, he decides he wants to marry her and have a whole brood of little marquesses with her within ten minutes. They hatch a plan to rescue her from her cousin, who attacks Nick. Nick and Arkady believe that Eamon has a time-talisman, not realizing that it was Julia who tried to pause time during the fight.

Nick, Arkady, his family, and Julia go join his younger sister during her season in London, and he takes his place among the House of Lords. He finds out that perhaps the Ofan are not the enemies that he thought. One of the Ofan, a woman named Alva, tells him that that the Guild might not be the good guys, after all. They are a bank—they make their money by knowing the future and making the appropriate investments. Some of those investments are in wars. They are desperate to protect the past at all costs because they cannot afford to have anyone interfere with it. It is one of the reasons why two of their rules are “There Is No Return.” Alva reveals that her lover was the late Ignatius Percy, Julia’s grandfather, and that he had a talisman that they need to recover. Later, it is revealed that the Ofan are just as complicit as the Guild; they travel time for the same reasons; perhaps there is no good guy or bad guy, exactly.

Near the end of the book, Alva and Nick discover that Julia is not Percy’s granddaughter, but Arkady’s. He wants to kill her, because a human talisman is dangerous. Unfortunately for Julia, during her escape from Arkady, she is captured by Eamon, who plans to marry her against her will. Nick rescues her, and his old friend Leo appears on the scene. He has become one of the Ofan, along with Meg. Julia’s true identity is finally revealed to her, but for her safety, she must pretend she is a normal person, a Natural. They train her to hide her abilities from Arkady and send him back to the twenty-first century without the talisman.

The novel was nominated for the Bookworm Best Award and the Goodreads Choice Award for Fantasy. In 2014, Ridgway published a novella called The Time Tutor, a prequel to The River of No Return.

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